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Deka Wanko

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Drama / Deka Wanko /

Deka Wanko (2011)

9 out of 10 (2 reviews)

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OverviewMediaEpisodesReviewsNewsOshi Spots
Country Japan
Season Year Winter 2011
Air Dates Jan 15, 2011 – Mar 26, 2011
Episodes 10
Runtime 54
Timeslot Saturday at 9:00 pm
Network(s) NTV
Official Site
Licensed No
Native Title デカワンコ
English Title Detective Puppy


The comedic series revolves around rookie detective Ichiko Hanamori, whose exceptional dog-like sense of smell is used to solve difficult cases, in addition to earning her the nickname of “Deka Wanko”.





Theme Song 1

Theme Song 2

Theme Song 3

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2 Reviews for Deka Wanko

  • DramaHeroine
    October 24, 2023
    DramaHeroine’s review – Deka Wanko

    It’s been Ages since I watched this, all the way back to when I first started watching dramas. I’ve tried, to no avail, to find the whole thing with subs somewhere, but my search has always been fruitless. Or I would find it but no way to download it. It’s one of those drama’s where either you like it, or you don’t. It requires some buy-ins that not everyone is going to be on board with. The idea that someone could have a sense of smell as strong as a dog’s. The idea that someone who wears a frilly, Japanese street fashion would become a police officer. The idea that they would wear said fashion while on the clock. The idea that all of this happens at the same time. If you can’t buy into all of that, then this drama is very much not for you.

    Luckily for me, I have no problem buying into all of that, so this drama is very much for me, lol.

    I fully admit that it’s goofy and over the top and unbelievable in every aspect. And I that’s why I bloody love it. I love that she has a sense of smell as strong as a dog’s. I love that she wears Lolita, and to crime scenes, no less. I love the potential (but never actually fulfilled) romance. I am an unabashed fan of this drama, and I will be forever.

    I JusT nEed to GEt thE WhOle thINg dOwnLoAdeD tO My LapToP So i CaN wAtch It oN rePEAT foR tHe REST Of MY LIFE!!!

    I’m a little intense about this drama, lol.

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  • birtface
    January 2, 2025
    birtface’s review – Deka Wanko
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