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Mittsu no Tsuki

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Special / Mittsu no Tsuki /

Mittsu no Tsuki (2015)

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OverviewMediaEpisodesReviewsNewsOshi Spots
Country Japan
Season Year Fall 2015
Air Dates Oct 3, 2015
Episodes 1
Network(s) TBS
Licensed No
Native Title 三つの月
English Title Three Moons


Shirakawago in Gifu Prefecture is a beautiful town in the mountains where nothing – the mountains, river and the greenery – ever changes. Though beautiful, it also gets boring. Kosaka Mayu is a wife, mother and daughter-in-law. Besides helping with the eatery which her husband Koichi runs and taking care of their son, she struggles to nurse her chronically ill mother-in-law Aya. Amid the repetition of her terrifyingly ordinary routine in this insular town, Mayu feels a stifling loneliness and quiet despair in the supporting role of a mother. One day, a man called Suzuka Sota comes to the countryside from Tokyo. A composer based in Tokyo, he has lost his way in music and in life, and is here in Shirakawago to take a long break. Mayu gets acquainted with Sota by chance. They connect emotionally and she falls in love. It is an illicit love affair. This is their secret. With the touch of his hand, Mayu feels that she has come to life again after leading a dreary existence day to day. This is a poignant love to her. Love will always have a different meaning as the months and years go by. Will it be seen differently? All the more if this is a love affair. Aya is the first to realize her daughter-in-law’s romantic feelings, but also the only one to understand her. Then Mayu is invited to Tokyo … Will she stay in the countryside or will she abandon her family and go to Sota?





Theme Song 1

Theme Song 2

Theme Song 3

Promotional images, screencaps, .gifs, etc.


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