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Hitman Lawyer

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Movie / Hitman Lawyer /

Hitman Lawyer (2023)

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OverviewMediaReviewsNewsOshi Spots
Country Japan
Season Year Spring 2023
Release Date Apr 21, 2023
Runtime 80
Distributor Klockworx Company
Official Site
Licensed No
Native Title ヒットマン・ロイヤー


Shindo Kai (Araki Hirofumi), hailed as an ace attorney, boasts an unbeatable record of winning countless lawsuits, but there is more than meets the surface. Lurking in the shadows, Kai operates as a vigilante assassin, punishing those who commit crimes and evade justice through legal loopholes. But this isn’t Kai’s only secret: he was born as the illegitimate child of yakuza leader Gondo Heihachiro. Although Kai has managed to keep his origins hidden while maintaining an unbreakable streak at work, things are about to change. When a new crime group known as Mayhem lead an attack on his father, a young yakuza subordinate named Kito (Jinnai Sho) makes contact around a time Kai also loses his first case. Upon re-examination, he discovers Chief Kasai sullied his hands, having forged and discarded crucial evidence. Who laid the groundwork for this betrayal? The inescapable story of blood begins…!





Theme Song 1

Theme Song 2

Theme Song 3

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