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Keizoku 2: Spec

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Drama / Keizoku 2: Spec /

Keizoku 2: Spec (2010)

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OverviewMediaEpisodesReviewsNewsOshi Spots
Country Japan
Season Year Fall 2010
Air Dates Oct 8, 2010 – Dec 17, 2010
Episodes 10
Runtime 54
Timeslot Friday at 10:00 pm
Network(s) TBS
Official Site
Licensed No
Native Title SPEC〜警視庁公安部公安第五課 未詳事件特別対策係事件簿〜
English Title Spec: Birth
Alternate Title(s) SPEC ~ Keishichou Kouanbu Kouan Daigoka Mishou Jiken Tokubetsu Taisakugakari Jikenbo


The Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department has set up a special department named Mishou (Unidentified Crimes Unit) for hard to crack cases without evidence, witnesses, or involving special organizations. These cases are beyond the scope of Keizoku (First Investigative Division’s Unsolved Crimes Unit). The section chief for Mishou is Kotaro Nonomura. He is a senior in age with a dignified look, so usually, nobody blames him even though his answers are evasive. Saya Toma is a young woman with an IQ of 201. With her amazing intellect, she became part of the faculty at the Department of Science at Kyoto University without schooling. Takeru Sebumi is an excellent career detective. He was picked for the Metropolitan Police Department’s SIT unit and became platoon leader by the young age of 27. He is also highly skilled with guns and the martial arts. Saya Toma and Takeru Sebumi work on cases for Mishou first by postulating the “SPEC” of the unknown criminals. They then deduce the criminal’s unknown “SPEC” and use this information to trap the criminals.





Theme Song 1

Theme Song 2

Theme Song 3

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