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Seisei Suruhodo, Aishiteru

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Drama / Seisei Suruhodo, Aishiteru /

Seisei Suruhodo, Aishiteru (2016)

6 out of 10 (1 reviews)

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OverviewMediaEpisodesReviewsNewsOshi Spots
Country Japan
Season Year Summer 2016
Air Dates Jul 12, 2016 – Sep 20, 2016
Episodes 10
Runtime 45
Timeslot Tuesday at 10:00 pm
Network(s) TBS
Official Site
Licensed No
Native Title せいせいするほど、愛してる
English Title Love Catharsis
Alternate Title(s) I Love You Most, Seisei Suruhodo, Love, Seisei Suru Hodo, Love, Seisei Suru Hodo, Ai Shiteru, For The Romantic


At a state guesthouse before a business dinner, Kurihara Mia (played by Takei Emi) who works in public relations for Tiffany Japan, gazes at her engagement ring. The ring was given to her by her boyfriend Yamashita Yota (played by Takahashi Mitsuomi), but her expression is tinged with sadness. Though Mia considers her work her true calling and life’s purpose, she struggles with Yota’s one-sided proposal asking her to quit her job and return to his hometown.

By chance, she bumps into a man trying to catch a child’s lost balloon, causing her to lose the ring. Though panicked, the ring is found caught in the hem of the man’s trousers. For Mia, even though she plans to return it, the ring represents an important connection between people.

Days later, Mia is shocked to recognize the company’s new vice president, Miyoshi Kairi (played by Takizawa Hideaki), who arrives at the PR department for training. He is none other than the man from the guesthouse incident. Moreover, Mia is assigned to be his mentor, requiring them to work closely together.

As Mia faces various challenges at work, Kairi watches over her with both strictness and kindness, telling her “Give it your all if this is truly your calling.” Gradually, Mia finds herself drawn to him.

One day, Yota, who has become a stalker, suddenly intrudes into the office and attacks Mia. As she flees in terror, Kairi, who happens to be present, comes to her rescue and unexpectedly kisses her–



  • Wada Akari as Endo Takako
  • Support Role
  • Mia's junior



Theme Song 1

  • Matsuda Seiko
  • "Bara no Youni Saite Sakura no Youni Chitte" (Main)
  • "薔薇のように咲いて 桜のように散って"

Theme Song 2

Theme Song 3

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1 Reviews for Seisei Suruhodo, Aishiteru

  • birtface
    September 23, 2024
    birtface’s review – Seisei Suruhodo, Aishiteru
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