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Drama / Platonic /

Platonic (2014)

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OverviewMediaEpisodesReviewsNewsOshi Spots
Country Japan
Season Year Spring 2014
Air Dates May 25, 2014 – Jul 13, 2014
Episodes 8
Runtime 49
Timeslot Sunday at 10:00 pm
Network(s) NHK
Licensed No
Native Title プラトニック


Single mother Mochizuki Sara has a daughter called Sari who suffers from a congenital heart disease. Sara raised her daughter on her own and has lived only for her. She feels responsible for Sari’s illness which has virtually kept the girl hospitalised since her birth. One night, Sara stumbles upon a website where youth talk about death on the internet. Angered that they do not treat their lives with respect, she ends up posting the comment, “Please give my daughter your heart since you’re going to die anyway.” It immediately results in a flood of disparaging remarks. But among them is a message that reads, “I’ll give my heart.” Several days later, when Sara goes to the meeting place with her younger brother, Kazuhisa, even though she treats the message as a joke and doubt gnaws at her, the young man who wrote it actually arrives. He says he has a brain tumour and his days are numbered. Although Sara hesitates over whether she should take up his offer, she lets the lonely young man who has no relatives live in and work at the convenience store that she runs. Then she falls in love with him… Will Sara and the young man arrive at a great love or tragic death?





Theme Song 1

Theme Song 2

Theme Song 3

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