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Drama / Himawari /
Himawari (1996)
OverviewMediaEpisodesReviewsNewsOshi Spots

Native Title ひまわり
English Title Sunflower
Beginning 3 months before the collapse of the bubble economy, Himawari follows the story of Minamida Nozomi, a young woman who is dealing with the stresses of a new job, her wish to marry her boyfriend, and her dreams for the future.
- Matsushima Nanako as Minamida Nozomi
- Lead Role
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Theme Song 2
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(,,#゚Д゚) Nothing found!
Theme Song 3
(,,#゚Д゚) Nothing found!
(,,#゚Д゚) Nothing found!
Promotional images, screencaps, .gifs, etc.
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Oshi Spots
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