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Haruka no Hikari

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Drama / Haruka no Hikari /

Haruka no Hikari (2021)

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OverviewMediaEpisodesReviewsNewsOshi Spots
Country Japan
Season Year Winter 2021
Air Dates Feb 8, 2021 – Mar 8, 2021
Episodes 5
Runtime 25
Timeslot Monday at 7:25 pm
Network(s) NHK
Official Site
Native Title ハルカの光


Haruka (Kuroshima Yuina) only thinks about lights the whole day. Lighting is more important to her than romance. She works as a salesperson at a shop in Tokyo managed by Nishitani (Furutachi Kanji) that brings in iconic lights. One day, the chef (Issey Ogata) of an established sushi restaurant visits the shop and repeatedly asks them to sell him a light bulb. However, Haruka flatly refuses and tells him, “Coming here demanding only a light bulb is like asking for tapioca at a sushi shop.” The chef leaves in anger but visits the shop again for some reason several days later. In fact, he confesses that his wife recently died all of a sudden and even the light bulb in the restaurant blew. What caught his attention was a pendant light made of brass. It is a piece that the Finnish architect and designer Alvar Aalto created together with his wife. But the chef’s wife Aino died at 55. All sorts of people visit the shop every day and Haruka feels a sense of mission to wholeheartedly serve those who seek light, dispel their anguish and enrich their lives by illuminating their lives.



  • Issey Ogata as Okabayashi Ichiro
  • Guest Role
  • Episode(s): 1



Theme Song 1

Theme Song 2

Theme Song 3

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