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Special / Black Cinderella: Graduation Edition /
Black Cinderella: Graduation Edition (2021)
OverviewMediaEpisodesReviewsNewsOshi Spots
Native Title ブラックシンデレラ卒業編
English Title Black Cinderella Sotsugyou Hen
A 2-part special that takes place a year after the drama. With only a few weeks left in high school, the Seiran Academy is buzzing with talk of the graduation ceremony. Manaha and her classmates are faced with a choice about their future.
- Riko as Kamiya Manaha
- Lead Role
- Kamio Fuju as Tachibana Keigo
- Lead Role
- Itagaki Mizuki as Shimamura Sora
- Lead Role
- Hyodo Katsumi as Takigawa Hayato
- Support Role
- Nagami Rea as Toda Kyoko
- Support Role
- Suzuki Airi as Shimamura Rui
- Support Role
- Marui Wan as Saito An
- Support Role
- Murakami Erica as Kasumi Yuri
- Lead Role
- Yoshida Erika
- Screenwriter
- Kawamura Taisuke
- Director
- Hara Keinosuke
- Director
- Inobe Yohei
- Director
- Ikeda Katsuhiko
- Producer
Theme Song 2
(,,#゚Д゚) Nothing found!
(,,#゚Д゚) Nothing found!
Theme Song 3
(,,#゚Д゚) Nothing found!
(,,#゚Д゚) Nothing found!
Promotional images, screencaps, .gifs, etc.
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