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Bokura wa Jinsei de Ikkai dake Mahou ga Tsukaeru

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Movie / Bokura wa Jinsei de Ikkai dake Mahou ga Tsukaeru /

Bokura wa Jinsei de Ikkai dake Mahou ga Tsukaeru (2025)

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OverviewMediaReviewsNewsOshi Spots
Country Japan
Season Year Winter 2025
Release Date Feb 21, 2025
Runtime 111
Distributor Pony Canyon
Official Site
Licensed No
Native Title 僕らは人生で一回だけ魔法が使える
English Title We Can Only Use Magic Once In Our Lifetime


Set within a small rural village, four boys who recently turned 18 years-old are told “A boy born in this village can use magic only once in his life.” However, he must use it within two years by the time he turns the age of 20. They are also not to know how the grown adult men of the village used their magic in the past until they have used their own magic. Akito and the three other high school boys start thinking about what they should use their magic for.
Yagi Yusei takes on the role of Akito, who has loved the piano since he was a young age and aims to go to music college, which is strongly opposed by his father.
Inoue Yuki is Haruhi, a boy who was born with a weak constitution and grew up being protected by his friends. The role of Natsuki is played by Sakurai Kaito, who gave up his dream of becoming a professional soccer player due to his father’s illness. Finally, Tsubaki Taiga portrays the role of Yukio, who is shocked when he discovers his father’s unexpected secret.





Theme Song 1

Theme Song 2

Theme Song 3

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Oshi Spots

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