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Drama / Sengoku Rock Hagure Kiba /
Sengoku Rock Hagure Kiba (1973)
OverviewMediaEpisodesReviewsNewsOshi Spots

Native Title 戦国ロック_はぐれ牙
Set in the Sengoku Period, a time of turmoil and upheaval, this action period drama follows the solitary life of Sae, the “Hagure Kiba,” who takes on dangerous jobs for hire.
- Kaji Meiko as Sae
- Lead Role
- Minegishi Toru as Tora no Heibei
- Support Role
- Natsuki Yosuke as Ryu no Samon
- Support Role
- Yamaya Hatsuo as Inosuke
- Support Role
- Omae Hitoshi as Kaenbo
- Support Role
- Tamamura Shuntaro
- Support Role
- Sawa Mitsuru
- Support Role
Theme Song 1
(,,#゚Д゚) Nothing found!
(,,#゚Д゚) Nothing found!
Theme Song 2
(,,#゚Д゚) Nothing found!
(,,#゚Д゚) Nothing found!
Theme Song 3
(,,#゚Д゚) Nothing found!
(,,#゚Д゚) Nothing found!
Promotional images, screencaps, .gifs, etc.
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Oshi Spots
Spoil Me
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