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Rental Nan mo Shinai Hito

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Drama / Rental Nan mo Shinai Hito /

Rental Nan mo Shinai Hito (2020)

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OverviewMediaEpisodesReviewsNewsOshi Spots
Country Japan
Season Year Spring 2020
Air Dates Apr 9, 2020 – Oct 1, 2020
Episodes 12
Runtime 40
Timeslot Thursday at 12:12 am
Network(s) TV Tokyo
Official Site
Licensed No
Native Title レンタルなんもしない人
English Title Rent-A-Person Who Does Nothing
Alternate Title(s) Rental Nanmo Shinai Hito; Hatarakazaru Mono-tachi


A unique service emerged in contemporary society, where one is constantly expected to “do something.” The service boldly declares: “I (a person who does nothing) am available for rent” and “I can only provide very basic responses – nothing more.”

Rental Nanmoshinai Hito” (The Rental Do-Nothing Person) suddenly appeared on Twitter in June 2018. Though there was no response on the first day, the service quickly went viral, gaining 250,000 followers in just a year and a half! It gained recognition through TV, radio, manga, and books, becoming a well-known phenomenon.

Requests flood in despite the service’s premise of doing nothing: “Please wait for me at the marathon finish line,” “Please accompany me to submit divorce papers,” “Please come with me because I’m afraid to go to work.”

In today’s world, where people are expected to be number one or unique at work and home despite wanting to live moderately without trying too hard, where social media demands excessive “connections” to the point of causing “SNS fatigue,” modern people constantly chasing after romance, friendships, work, and family life found what they needed – someone who “does nothing” and “just stays beside them.”

This first drama adaptation portrays the “do-nothing” work style of the “Rental Nanmoshinai Hito!”





Theme Song 1

  • NEWS
  • "Beautiful" (Main)
  • "ビューティフル"

Theme Song 2

Theme Song 3

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