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Kotaki Kyodai to Shikuhakku

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Drama / Kotaki Kyodai to Shikuhakku /

Kotaki Kyodai to Shikuhakku (2020)

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OverviewMediaEpisodesReviewsNewsOshi Spots
Country Japan
Season Year Winter 2020
Air Dates Jan 11, 2020 – Mar 28, 2020
Episodes 12
Runtime 40
Timeslot Saturday at 12:12 am
Network(s) TV Tokyo
Licensed No
Native Title コタキ兄弟と四苦八苦
English Title Kotaki Brothers and Shikuhakku


A live-action drama starring Furutachi Kanji and Takito Kenichi as the “Kotaki Brothers,” a comedy about two unemployed brothers who stumble into becoming “rental dads.”

The older brother is too serious to live life properly, while the younger brother, perhaps influenced by watching his sibling, can only live frivolously. Their peculiar clients present unique challenges: a wife worried about her newly retired husband’s strange behavior, concerns about a friend’s possible lonely death, someone convinced the world will end in three months…

Written by award-winning screenwriter Nogi Akiko (known for “Unnatural” and “We Cannot Become Beasts”) in her TV Tokyo debut, and directed by acclaimed film director Yamashita Nobuhiro (“Hard Core,” “Linda Linda Linda”). Music is provided by the unit Oshu & BIOMAN.

The project originated when veteran character actors Furutachi and Takito joined forces with the idea of co-starring in their own drama, finally coming to fruition after nearly three years. The series explores Buddhist concepts of suffering through its theme of “twelve hardships,” expanding on the traditional “eight sufferings” referenced in the title.

This human comedy follows these incompetent brothers as they struggle through various situations while helping lonely clients through their rental dad service.



  • Kitaura Ayu as Anzai Michiru
  • Guest Role
  • Episode(s): 11



Theme Song 1

Theme Song 2

Theme Song 3

Promotional images, screencaps, .gifs, etc.

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