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Drama / Bunshin /

Bunshin (2012)

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OverviewMediaEpisodesReviewsNewsOshi Spots
Country Japan
Season Year Winter 2012
Air Dates Feb 12, 2012 – Mar 11, 2012
Episodes 5
Network(s) WOWOW
Official Site
Licensed No
Native Title 分身
English Title Doppelganger


Based on Higashino Keigo‘s novel, this human suspense drama features popular actress Nagasawa Masami in a dual role, exploring the life secrets of Mariko and Futaba, two women who look identical but have lived unaware of each other’s existence.

Ujiie Mariko, a college student in Sapporo, has always been bothered by how different she looks from her parents. She has few memories of being loved by her mother Shizue, who died in a fire several years ago. One day, Mariko discovers items among Shizue’s belongings revealing that her mother had once searched for secrets about Mariko’s birth in Tokyo. Around this time, her father, who lives separately, starts encouraging her to study abroad.

Meanwhile, Ihara Shunsaku, an influential member of the House of Representatives from Hokkaido, is devising a plan to create his successor…



  • Arai Miu as Arai Miu Igawa Kaori
  • Support Role
  • Dankan as Igawa Takayuki
  • Support Role



Theme Song 1

Theme Song 2

Theme Song 3

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